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Lowongan Kerja : Apparel One Indonesia

PT Apparel One Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan Garment Manufacturing, sub company dari PT Bina Busana Internusa Group dan bagian dari Triputra Group

Tanggal Posting : 22 Maret 2019
sumber info : Staff Recruiter at PT Bina Busana Internusa / pak Jordy Uneputty

Posisi Kerja : 
1. Management Trainee
2. Staff Material Management
3. Staff ICT Developer
4. Staff Compliance
5. Spv Finance
6. Spv HSE
7. Spv Accounting
8. Staff SOP

Detil Informasi Kualifikasi dan Tata cara melamar lengkapnya bisa dilihat di poster berikut :


Tanggal Posting : 6 Maret 2019
sumber info : Staff Recruiter at PT Bina Busana Internusa / pak Jordy Uneputty

Posisi Kerja : 
1. HR Learning & Development
2. HR Recruitment
Tempat Kerja : Semarang

Detil Informasi Kualifikasi dan Tata cara melamar lengkapnya bisa dilihat di poster berikut :


Tanggal Posting : 12 Februari 2019
sumber info : Staff Recruiter at PT Bina Busana Internusa / pak Jordy Uneputty

Job Vacant PT.Apparel One Indonesia (BinaBusana Internusa Group)
Posisi Kerja : Staff ICT
Tempat Kerja : Semarang

Walk In Interview

Detil Informasi Kualifikasi dan Tata cara melamar lengkapnya bisa dilihat di poster berikut :


Tanggal Posting : 29 Januari 2019
sumber info : Staff Recruiter at PT Bina Busana Internusa / pak Jordy Uneputty

Posisi Kerja : Management Trainee

Tempat Kerja : Semarang

Detil Informasi Kualifikasi dan Tata cara melamar lengkapnya bisa dilihat di poster berikut :


Profil Perusahaan / Company Profile
sumber / source :

History PT Apparel One Indonesia

2010 : Meeting and discussion between Indonesian and Thai’s investors.
2011 : Joint venture on August 19th, between Binabusana Internusa Group and two partners from Thailand, Liberty Group and Yeh Group, was signed. PT. APPAREL ONE INDONESIA was established. The operations start with 1st factory, 22 sewing lines with 600 machines . Then it continues to 2nd factory, 26 sewing lines with 900 machines. Total land : 1.5 Ha
2012-2013 : Total of 48 Sewing Lines with the capacity of 700,000 pieces/month or 17.5million minutes/month
2014 : AOI 2, construction on progress, Total Land : 3.9 Ha
Total of 60 Sewing Lines with the capacity of 900,000 pieces/month or 22.5million minutes/month

Location PT Apparel One Indonesia
Kawasan Industri Wijaya Kusuma, 
Central Java 

About BBI Group

BBI Group started the business by manufacturing hospital garments for Japan. It required outstanding cleanliness and hygiene beside overall performance.

European buyers also started to give orders for low end uniform i.e. apron up to high end garment i.e. fire-fighting garment, Flame Resistance garment. BBI has implemented update production technology such as seam sealing process for water proof garment and already achieved some international standardization certification i.e. Gore-Tex and BSI Fire.

These are to prove and to bring confidence to our current and potential customers so we can extend business level including fashion and sport.   

Office & Plants BBI 
PT Binabusana Internusa Unit 2
Jl. Inspeksi Cakung Drain KM.2 Semper Timur, Cakung Cilincing
Jakarta Utara 14260, Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 448 33077
Fax : +62 21 448 33078 

Sumber https://temukan-lowongan-kerja.blogspot.com/