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Lowongan Kerja : Global Sarana Sukses

PT Global Sarana Sukses adalah perusahaan layanan rekrutmen dan penempatan

Tanggal Posting : 15 April 2019
sumber info : Recruitment Specialist at PT. Global Sarana Sukses / ibu Lidia Margareta

Posisi Kerja / Job Position : Finance
Lokasi Kerja / Placement : Jakarta (perusahaan client)

- Female / Male Max 30 years
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree Economy / Management
- Good MS. Excel
- Experience as Finance At least 1 year
- Have Driving License ( Sim A)

Tata cara melamar :
Send your CV to email : 
Subject : Finance_Name


Tanggal Posting : 5 Maret 2019
sumber info : HR Recruitment / ibu Riska Indraswari

Posisi Kerja / Job Position : Sekretaris

Kualifikasi :
1. Wanita Max 30 Thn
2. Min D3 Semua Jurusan
4. Pengalaman Sekretaris min 6 bln
5. Berhijab ( wajib)
6. Penempatan Pasar Minggu - Jaksel

Tata cara melamar :
Jika berminat bisa kirimkan cv ke email :
Subjek : Sekretaris_nama

Artikel Terkait :
Mengenal istilah HORECA


Profil Perusahaan / Company Profile
sumber / source : https://saranasukses.com/

adalah perusahaan layanan rekrutmen dan penempatan Lowongan Kerja : Global Sarana Sukses

GSS is an Indonesian based Recruitment and Placement Services which has built the reputation since was founded in 1998. Our total commitment to match the Client and Candidates needs has bring our service become a vehicle to everyone, and has became successful in the future.

The following list of the scope of our services is intended to provide your company with the criteria to evaluate whether our scope full encompasses your perceived needs. In order to provide the best possible service to your company the scope service must be agreed upon prior to the commencement of the work. In general our scope of service includes:

Defining with you the specifications of the position to be filled. this includes the nature your organization, its basic functions, the relationships of each position to others in your organization, and the responsibilities, duties and authority of the position.
Defining with you the specification of the individual to fill the position. This covers professional experiences, education, interest, motivation and other personal attribute such as work attitudes, temperaments and social background.
Submitting the position specification (previously discussed in point 1 & 2) and Personnel Search Contract for your approval. Throughout the assignment these will be our main working papers on which we operate.
Employing one or more of these methods, we will then begin the screening of suitable candidates. This will be done through in-depth interview, and if you consider necessary, psychological appraisals and reference checks.


In order to provide the Client with best possible service we will analyze the type of position that needs to fill and the critical nature of the personnel to be recruited to determine the most appropriate method(s) to be used. Our three standard methods are as follows:

Our three (3) standard methods are as follows:
Data Bank Search – We have an active and extensive data bank consisting of personnel who have answered to our previous searches and those who have sent us their CVs. This type of search provides the quickest and most extensive list of candidates, and is most appropriate for low to mid range executive positions.
Executive Search - For senior level executive positions which require a higher level of skill, we will conduct an executive search to those - who are currently performing the job in other organizations.
Advertisement Search - Depending upon the skill requirements it may be necessary to advertise the position in search. If it requires, we will assist to design and place the appropriate advertisement in the correct media.

Recruitment and Placement process begins with the statement and understanding of the Client goals and objectives. Our search requires that we understand the exact requirements for the candidate and understanding of how the candidate will assist in development of the Client's organization.


We at GSS assure you that all Personnel Search assignments are conducted in the strictly confidence.

Under no circumstances do we allow confidential information given to us by you be passed on to persons not entitled to it.


PT Global Sarana Sukses believe in these five strong points:
Without customers we would not exist. Therefore we treat customer as an equal partner and give them the best service possible. We look at them as a long relationship and for that it is necessary to put energy in it, and look after them.
We are giving our best service. All of our employee share these thoughts and believe in working effectively and efficiently to reach the optimal goal. We believe in adhering professionally to the highest ethical and business standards.
Quality of Service
To fulfill our customer needs as our main goal. Therefore we provide service at best possible level to satisfy market demand for quality, price, and services. We are also committed to progressive technology and creativity.
Consistent with Commitments
We are consistent with commitment towards our customers and our respected principals. The success and continued prosperity of our company will be assured only if we offer best services both before and after the sale. It is our goal that we deliver a fast services when the customer needs it and provide optimum time limit.
Human Resources As a Main Asset
Our employee is dedicated and motivated. They are led at first-rate management team whose goal is to capitalize on the customers satisfaction and to growth.



Gandaria 8 Office Tower 2nd Floor
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda,
Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12240
DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
Phone: 62-21 29036410 (Hunting)
Fax: 62-21 29036411-12


Ruko Karaba Indah I No.16-17
Jl. Interchange Karawang Barat
Karawang, Jawa Barat
Phone: (62-267) 8457522
Fax: (62-267) 8457524

Komplek Tivoli Blok 9W
Jl. Titipapan, Sei Batanghari
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Phone: (62-61) 4510696
Fax: (62-61) 4513158

Graha Kebon Agung Lt.1
Jl.Raya Margorejo Indah Kav. A 131-132
Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Phone: (62-31) 8411922
Fax: (62-31) 8411522

Gd.Tiga Raksa Satria Lt.1
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.606
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Phone: (62-22) 7505737
Fax: (62-22) 7563485

Gd. IB 163 Lt.3
Jl. Imam Bonjol No.163
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Phone: (62-24) 86569046
Fax: (62-24) 86569047

Sumber https://temukan-lowongan-kerja.blogspot.com/