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PT Toyota-Astra Motor - Fresh Graduate Development Program TAM Astra April 2019

 that is involved in automotive industry PT Toyota-Astra Motor - Fresh Graduate Development Program TAM Astra April 2019
Toyota / toyota.astra.co.id
PT Toyota-Astra Motor - TAM or known as "Toyota-Astra Motor" a reputable and leading privately-owned company in Indonesia, that is involved in automotive industry. Toyota-Astra Motor operates primarily as a sole distributor of all Toyota and Lexus brands in Indonesia. Toyota-Astra Motor has core business competencies in the field of distribution and import of Toyota brand vehicles in Indonesia. PT Toyota-Astra Motor is a multinational joint venture company between Indonesia PT Astra International Tbk (Astra Group) and Japan Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). As today, Astra Group holds 50 %% shares in Toyota-Astra Motor and 40% remaining shares was owned by TMC. Domiciled in Jakarta, Toyota-Astra Motor now supported by 5 main dealers spread in all over Indonesia, comprise of PT Astra International Tbk - Toyota Sales Operation (Auto2000), PT Agung Automall, PT Hasjrat Abadi, PT New Ratna Motor (Nasmoco), and NV Hadji Kalla Trd Co.

According to information found in Toyota-Astra Motor's website as cited by JobsCDC.com, Toyota has had a presence in Indonesia for more than 48 years. In 1969, Astra Group was appointed as the distributor of Toyota vehicles in Indonesia. PT Toyota-Astra Motor was formed officially in 12 April 1971. In 2003, Astra Group and TMC reorganized Toyota’s business in Indonesia through 2 companies; PT Toyota-Astra Motor to focus on distribution and PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) to focus on manufacturing and export of Toyota brand vehicles.

  • Not older than 27 years of age.
  • S1/S1 with GPA > 3.00
  • Bachelor or Master Degree (S1/S2), majoring in Management, Accounting, Marketing, Mathematics, Statistic, Business Administration, Economics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Informatics Engineering.
  • Fluent in English (written and verbal).
  • Preferably those with organizational experience.
Staff Development Program (SDP)

  • Not older than 25 years of age.
  • S1/S1 with GPA > 3.00
  • Diploma Degree (D3), majoring in Management, Accounting, Administration, and all Engineering majors.
  • Fluent in English (written and verbal).
  • Proficient in using Microsoft Office.
  • Preferably those with organizational experience.
For further information, please refer official source from PT Toyota-Astra Motor  on following link below. If you consider that you are the right candidate, please apply in confidence by filling online application form at bit.ly/toyotaastramotor. Closing date 22 April 2019. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step. (JobsCDC.com / Source)
 that is involved in automotive industry PT Toyota-Astra Motor - Fresh Graduate Development Program TAM Astra April 2019
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