Lowongan Kerja Di Pt Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), Oktober 2018
Hai untuk hari ini aku akan share dan update lagi informasi lowongan kerja untuk aneka macam perushaaan yang ada di Indonesia, Nah PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) di bulan Oktober 2018 ini sedang membuka banyak lowongan kerja untuk banyak posisi sebagai PP Urban - Drafter, PP Urban - MT Accounting, PP Urban - Superintendent dan PP Infrastruktur - Business Analyst. Nah lowongan kerja tersebut di peruntukan untuk kau lulusan S1, jikalau kau berminat silahkan baca informasi selengkpanya.
Deskripsi singkat profil perushaaan, PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), Tbk, disingkat PT PP (Persero), Tbk, namun lebih terkenal disebut PT PP atau PP saja, yaitu salah satu BUMN yang bergerak di bidang perencanaan dan konstruksi bangunan. wikipedia.org
Pada dikala ini perushaaan tersebut sedang membuka banyak lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai berikut ini:
Pendaftaran Online: http://recruitment.ptpp.co.id/frontend/jobs_vacancy/index/1
Pada dikala ini perushaaan tersebut sedang membuka banyak lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai berikut ini:
1. PP Urban - Drafter (2018053/Drafter/FG/ARK)
- Male
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) or Diploma Degree (D3) of Architecture Engineer
- Max. 28 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Have experience as Drafter minimum 1 year in Property or Construction Company
- Computer literated (mastery Microsoft Office)
2. PP Urban - MT Accounting (2018055/STAF ACC/FG/ATI)
- Male
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) or Diploma Degree (D3) of Accounting
- Max. 28 years old
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- GPA ≥ 3.00, from State University (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri)
- Have experience in Accounting maximum 3 years.
- Computer literated (mastery Microsoft Office)
3. PP Urban - Superintendent (2018056/SP/FG/SPL)
- Male
- Min. Diploma Degree (D3) of Civil Engineering (Major in Building Construction)
- Max. 28 years old
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- GPA ≥ 3.10
- Active in Campus Organization
- Computer literated (mastery Microsoft Office)
4. PP Infrastruktur - Business Analyst (2018057/BAO/FG/ALL)
- Male / Female
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) of Business Management, Business Administration, Accounting, Management
- Max. 30 years old
- Have experience in each field minimum 2 years
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- GPA ≥ 3.00 (scale 4.00), Preferable from State University
- Excellent in Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and Visio
- Excellent in Presentation Skill
- Good oral and written in English
5. PP Infrastruktur - Accounting Staff (2018058/Acc Staff/FG/ATI)
- Male / Female
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) of Accounting
- Max. 30 years old
- Have experience in each field minimum 2 years
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- GPA ≥ 3.00 (scale 4.00), Preferable from State University
- Excellent in Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
- Excellent in Presentation Skill
- Good oral and written in English
6. PP Infrastruktur - Project Management Officer (2018059/PMO OFFICER/FG/ALL)
- Male / Female
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) of Business Management, Business Administration, Accounting, Management
- Max. 30 years old
- Have experience in each field minimum 2 years
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- GPA ≥ 3.00 (scale 4.00), Preferable from State University
- Excellent in Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and Visio
- Excellent in Presentation Skill
- Good oral and written in English
7. PP Infrastruktur - QSHE Officer (2018060/HSE P Off/FG/ALL)
- Male / Female
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) of Environment Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering or equivalent
- Have experience in each field minimum 2 years
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- GPA ≥ 3.00 (scale 4.00), Preferable from State University
- Strong quality & Safety regulatory knowledge and expertise, including OSHA/OHSAS/K3/ISO certification
- Excellent in Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and Visio
- Excellent in Presentation Skill
- Good oral and written in English
8. PP Presisi - Technical Staff (2018061/STAF TEK/FG/SPL)
- Min. Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering
- GPA ≥ 3.00, preferable from state university
- Max. 27 years old
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Good oral and written in English
9. PP Presisi - ME Officer (2018062/ME/FG/ALL)
- Min. Diploma Degree Mechanical Engineering / Electrical Engineering
- GPA ≥ 3.00, preferable from state university
- Max. 27 years old
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Good oral and written in English
10. PP Presisi - Accounting (2018063/STAF ACC/FG/ATI)
- Min. Bachelor Degree of Accounting
- GPA ≥ 3.00, preferable from state university
- Max. 27 years old
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Detail oriented and great with teamwork
- Proficient with SAP
- Good oral and written in English (min. Toefl 500)
11. PP Presisi - HR Officer (2018064/HRO/FG/ALL)
- Min. Bachelor Degree of Psychology, HR Management
- GPA ≥ 3.00, preferable from state university
- Max. 27 years old
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Good oral and written in English
Pendaftaran Online: http://recruitment.ptpp.co.id/frontend/jobs_vacancy/index/1